Information form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Gender * Please select Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to say What age bracket do you fall into * Please select 18 – 34 years old 35 – 50 years old 50+ years old What field of work best defines what you do? * Please select Wellness Media & Entertainment Art & Design Fashion & Retail Sales Music Banking & Finance Insurance Food & Hospitality Education Healthcare NGO Technology Start-up Manufacturing Other If you have multiple professions or it is not listed, please give details below Do you consider yourself actively part of the wellness community? * Please select from the list below Yes, I am a wellness consumer No, I do not What does the term 'Wellness' mean to you? If you are looking to connect with a new wellness practitioner or looking for more information about a service or a class, what source do you go to first? * (e.g. looking to connect to a herbalist to work with personally) Google search Instagram Facebook A friend Other If 'other' please expand Is it important that they have been recommended or have good reviews? * Please select Yes, definitely No, I don't mind Is it important for you to stay connected and up to date with the wellness industry globally? * Please select from the list below Yes, I travel for leisure and I enjoy exploring new wellness scenes No, I only care about the city I live in Do you use social media? * If yes, what platform do you engage with most? Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn No, I do not use social media Why do you use social media? * Please select from the list below Promote my services, I get work from using it Stay up to date with news Stay in contact with friends When I'm bored I like to browse I do not use social media Please list any other reasons you may use social media What features do you engage with most Key features that make a big difference in the way you connect (e.g. I love being able to share posts to friends) The Sphere platform is multidimensional, with a range of features * Please select from the list below what is most important to you To search for employment and get new work To self promote my skill & services To stay up to date with global wellness news & updates To stay up to date with individual wellness practitioners To stay up to date with wellness companies/physical spaces To browse, scroll & get inspired To network & collaborate with like-minded individuals To expand my skills and getting involved in events, talks and workshops Please add any further comments you want to include here I wish to receive marketing communications and news from Sphere via email. * (All details and information are strictly confidential and will not be passed on to 3rd parties. I understand that I may opt-out at any time) Yes, please No, thanks Thank you so much for taking the time to fill in the form, we really appreciate it!