Practitioner form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Gender * Please select Female Male Non-binary Prefer not to say What age bracket do you fall into * Please select 18 – 34 years old 35 – 50 years old 50+ years old Do you consider yourself part of the wellness community? * Please select from the list below Yes, I am a wellness service practitioner Yes, I own a physical wellness space No, I do not As a wellness professional please select from the options below * Please select Yoga teacher Meditation teacher Pilates teacher I own a wellness studio/space Personal Trainer Physical Therapist Nutritionist Herbalist Energy Healer Alternative Medicine Mind therapist Life/ health coach Aesthetician Masseuse Chef Other If you have multiple professions or it is not listed, please give details below If you are looking to connect with a new wellness practitioner or looking for more information about a service or a class, what source do you go to first? * (e.g. looking to connect to a herbalist to work with personally) Google search Instagram Facebook A friend Other If 'other' please expand Is it important that they have been recommended or have good reviews? * Please select Yes, definitely No, I don't mind Do you live/work in a city? * Please select Yes No If yes, please specify where (e.g. London, New York, LA etc. ) Is it important for you to stay connected and up to date with the wellness industry globally? * Please select from the list below Yes, my wellness network is not defined by borders Yes, I travel for leisure and I enjoy exploring new wellness scenes No, I only care about the city I live in How do you promote your services and gain new clients as a practitioner * Please select from the list below Personal website Instagram Facebook Word of mouth Google search How many hours daily do you spend online, promoting your services? * Please select 1-2 hours 2-4 hours 4-6 hours As much as possible Do you use social media? * If yes, what platform do you engage with most? Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn No, I do not use social media Why do you use social media? * Please select from the list below Promote my services, I get work from using it Stay up to date with news Stay in contact with friends When I'm bored I like to browse I do not use social media Please list any other reasons you may use social media What features do you engage with most Key features that make a big difference in the way you connect (e.g. I love being able to share posts to friends) Do you feel like there are limitations to using social media for work? If yes, please specify why this is the case for you? (e.g. this can be app features, user interface, engagement etc.) What is most important to you * Please select from the list below To search for employment and get new work To self promote my skill & services To stay up to date with global wellness news & updates To stay up to date with individual wellness practitioners To stay up to date with wellness companies/physical spaces To browse, scroll & get inspired To network & collaborate with like-minded individuals To expand my skills and getting involved in events, talks and workshops Please add any further comments you want to include here All details and information are strictly confidential and will not be passed on to 3rd parties * I've read and agree with the privacy policy, terms of use and cookie policy I wish to receive marketing communications and news from Sphere via email. * I understand that I may opt-out at any time Yes, please No, thanks Thank you so much for taking the time to fill in the form, we really appreciate it!