Green Kitchen Stories

Green Kitchen Stories - our favourite foodie duo with the best recipe books to get innovative, delicious and nutritious veg focused recipes!

Green Vegan Chickpea Pancake with Avocado, Pesto and Krauts - Makes 4

If you experience problems flipping them, try adding 1-2 tbsp potato starch, corn starch or arrowroot powder to the batter. That will help them hold together even more.

100 g (1 cup) chickpea flour (besan)
300 ml (1 cup + 3 tbsp) water
1 pinch salt
2 handfuls fresh herbs (we use parsley and basil)

Coconut oil, for frying

2 avocado
2 tbsp pesto
mâche lettuce or baby spinach
cherry tomatoes, chopped

Mix chickpea flour, water, salt and herbs in a blender (or whisk together in a bowl and finely chop the herbs). Leave to rest for about 1 hour (or up to 48 hours in a sealed jar in the fridge). Heat coconut oil in a non-stick pan on medium heat. Add a thin layer of batter (we add 1/3 cup but the amount depends on the size of your pan) and tilt the pan around to make sure it is evenly distributed. Wait 30-60 seconds for the batter to solidify and bubbles start appearing. Carefully loosen the sides with a spatula before flipping the pancake. Slide it onto a plate when both sides are golden. Fry the remaining the pancakes. Divide the avocado and discard the stone. Mash the flesh with a fork. Add avocado on one side of each pancake, drizzle with pesto, add lettuce, sauerkraut and cherry tomatoes and fold it like an omelet. Enjoy!


Meditate to Djivan

