Biocol Labs

Biocol Labs is a laboratory that has always been ahead of its time. It was founded in 1977 in Lisbon, Portugal, with the conviction that mineral-and plant-based science will make the chemical pharma industry redundant. Not the other way round.

Their company ethos is based on mineral and plant science as the basis to create rejuvenating products, with the vision of making the chemical pharmacy industry a thing of the past.

Fuelled by those seeking a balanced and natural lifestyle, Biocol Labs products work to help cleanse, assist with tiredness, boost your mood and increase immunity. Biocol Labs use powerful plant properties to help beat the strain that modern day-to-day life inflicts on your body.

The two founders, husband and wife, Gualdim and Natalia Redol, are self-taught scientists. They researched, developed and perfected a trace-element range of supplements aiming to activate the vital functions of the organism and to preserve the integrity of the cells, endangered by the disadvantages of modernization: pollution, stress, electronic radiations, UV rays and genetic modified foods and crops.

We are all for Biocal, a company championing innovation and dedicated to revolutionising the health and wellness industry.


Green Kitchen Stories


Breath - with Deliciously Ella