
We breathe on average 20,000 times a day yet most of us are unaware of its incredible ability to transform the way we feel. Most assume the autonomic action of everyday breathing is sufficient. The truth is many people breathe in shallow and constricted patterns. 1 in 10 people have symptoms of dysfunctional breathing and we ALL have experiences in life that affect our breathing patterns.

Stuart Sandeman (Breathpod) delivers powerful coaching and breath work sessions that break negative habits, beliefs and patterns to move into a state of learning, development, self-awareness, growth and flow. To increases mental and emotional wellbeing, performance, energy, productivity, communication, confidence and focus.

His breathwork sessions are designed to release stress, tension and held emotion, give your immune system a boost, detoxify, energise, improve mental clarity & focus and connect you to your inner wisdom, creativity & awareness.

What & Where:

  • Offering free daily Instagram Lives for 20 mins @ 7:30AM Monday-Friday

  • Or book on for 90 mins @7pm on Wednesdays via Zoom (delivered on a donation basis)


Rebel Recipes

