Yogi Bare

Yogibare acupressure mats are inspired by ancient healing systems to offers you multiple health benefits, in the comfort of your own home you can practise deep intense massage to release muscle-tension.

The acupressure mat works in a similar way to the ancient art of acupuncture. As the name suggests, acupressure works by applying pressure to various points of the body whereas acupuncture uses needles.

Acupressure restores balance to the body’s energy flow (qi) by manipulating the body’s meridians. Stimulating energy, vitality and a sense of well being in the body. The gentle, painless pressure of the mat allows the body to relax and release endorphins, creating panic flow or life force within the body. When using the mat you will feel a sense of elation inviting happiness, energy and calm into your day.


Think like a Monk

